The showcase pretty much went the same,
Except they sang Say Yes and Chris Brown's With You today!
And Sunggu still looks at my camera yusssssssss
And the fanchants were louder today!
And I kept on singing and dancing and ruining my fancam!
But Sunggu saw me and it made him smile so
Jawline *_*
너무 잘생겼잖아.....
귀엽당 ㅋㅋ
Alex aegyo! hahah
gets embarrassed afterwards XD
Their reactions while Alex was doing aegyo XD
Sexy pose XD
eeee Myunghan getting ready for aegyo XD
나지라 사망 헐 내 심장 ㅠㅠ
Too cute!
And for the photo session!
Wow I really gathered up my courage this time XD
Walked up to Sunggu and reached for his hand to handlock omg XD
He was surprised at my actions hahahhaha
All he could say was "oh,,ohh,,ohh,,OHH" LOL
It was so cute XD
And here's the outcome!
I like this picture!
wait, let me rephrase that......
And may I add that he's wearing all black,
and I'm wearing a white lace dress,,,
And moving on to the fansign!
I had an extra album so I went up twice again today!
나:영준아! 누나 불러주세요!
영준:누나?나지라 누나!!
명한:나지라 누나~~
명한: /쓰담쓰담/ (at my bangs lol)
성구:ㅎㅎㅎ/쓰담쓰담/ 오빠? (points to himself)
성구:오빠 아냐?!?
나:ㅋㅋ Alex!Can you pat my head or something (LOL) 쓰담쓰담~
알렉스: /쓰담쓰담/
나: 땡큐~!
Wah when Sunggu and Alex 쓰담쓰담 me,
I feel heart was throbbing LOL
Didn't managed to ask Youngjun to do that because I got scared LOL
But when it comes to Myunghan,I decided to ask him
because it's now or never! LOL
Thanks Seckvoon for this photo!
Thanks Wani for this!!
Also thanks to Dora for recording this 쓰담쓰담 part also! haha
and then I went up the second time!
I couldn't remember what I said to them this time LOL
But I gave Sunggu my placard and hang it over his neck XD
He looked flustered hahah and then he asked me again....
나:아냐ㅑㅑ 난 91년생!
EEE so cute la I cannot T_T

yay picture from their official twitter!
Then we found out last minute that High4
will be appearing at a charity event later that night
and of course we went!
While queuing up at the autopay to pay my parking ticket,
there was a line so we had to wait for a bit,
and what do you know,,,HIGH4's van drove past us!
Myunghan was the only one looking out the window,
so we waved to him and he waved back~!
Sunggu was looking down and listening to music ;;
aaaaaa i love this day XD
While queuing up at the autopay to pay my parking ticket,
there was a line so we had to wait for a bit,
and what do you know,,,HIGH4's van drove past us!
Myunghan was the only one looking out the window,
so we waved to him and he waved back~!
Sunggu was looking down and listening to music ;;
aaaaaa i love this day XD
When we reached the venue,we took the seats at the very front lmao
It was so good,they sang Baby Boy and I'm Yours
More pictures at my gallery
After they performed, they left the venue XD
I got out a little late but still managed to catch them inside the van.
There weren't many fans so they kept waving to us 8D
When the van drove pass me, Sunggu kept looking at us XD
And then I made a big heart over my head and he turned around
and this a heart over his head too awwwwwwwwwwww
You are too sweet I can't T_T
And then back at the hotel,decided to crash at my friends' room,
so we waited at the lobby.
Let me clear this up this in no sasaeng thingy because
the hotel and organizer offered a room promotion particularly for this lol
So we waited at the lobby just chatting like a bunch of ahjummas LOL
High4 got in pretty late,midnight to be exact,
When they came in,we didn't even realised it XD
The japanese fans were already surrounding them..
So we just remained at the place where we were and just say our greetings from there.
When they walked in and saw us,they were so surprised LOL
Like in a good way because they were smiling and laughing ;3;
Then they got into the elevator and I did my big heart again LOL
and so did Sunggu XD and we said goodnight to them hehe
Tomorrow is the last day..........sigh
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