This is the day I've been waiting for (≧◡≦)
Yes,today is my life oh my god
you have no idea how anxious and excited and scared I am.
Yes I'm scared because its VIXX, you have no idea...
The showcase starts at 1PM and all my ST☆RLIGHTS were already there while I'm still at home because I was so tired from the night before, driving really drains you ~_~
I wanted to get there early because I wanted to collect all the banners
and free fanmade gifts fans prepared (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
and free fanmade gifts fans prepared (~ ̄▽ ̄)~


The organizer prepared a board like this for VIXX to choose questions from ヽ( ・ヮ・)ノ

hahahahaha I'm sorry Ken & N I just wanted to stand next to Hongbin ㅋㅋㅋ
ST☆RLIGHTS are cute ugh
and I've met Jasmine (Rabi T's masternim) and Sidney Unnie omg (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
and also a few fanbases!
Now let me tell you about the venue,which was HGH Convention center in Sentul.
I think its a pretty decent venue, I really appreciate that there were guards guiding the cars to the parking.
So basically,the hall is a school hall? Well,its next to a school.
But the hall was pretty big and nice, except for the waiting space outside was a big crowded and small but hey the venue was pretty good!
Thanks to 내 동생 Hyerinnie♥ my seat was in the center at the second row!
I was REALLY close to the stage so I was thrilled about it hehe
Sat next to Lizz,Mika,Jasmine and Hyerinnie :3 and turns out Sidney Unnie sat in front of me lol
being the loser that I am, I braved myself to talk to Jasmine and Sidney Unnie and thanked them for the lovely fantakens LOL
Sidney Unnie asked me if I liked her photos haha WELL OF COURSE I DO DUH ♥
Our matching VIXXGIRLS placard lulz

This was on the screen while we waited for the boys to come out
Needless to say,that Rovix image is enough to make me excited until I wanted to throw up LOL
and VIXX's MVs were playing and we were jamming so hard oh my god it was so great lol
The VTR is really awesome, the boys were seen without clothes on LMAO COLLARBONES
and then some awesome dancing sexy faces shit omfg I was screaming my lungs out I was about to cry
When they came out I lost it..I saw Hongbin and I really lost it omg
They sang 다칠 준비가 돼 있어 first AND OH MY GOD IT WAS AMAZING o(≧o≦)o
Their stage presence was amazing, it really makes you feel alove.
I couldn't sit still I was really excited and it's 다칠 준비가 돼 있어 so yeah AMAZING

Hakyeon XD and Hongbin!




I DIED ._.
The second song is 어둠 속을 밝혀줘
Oh my god I never thought I would be able to watch this performance live oh my god
ISTG........ this song,the choreography.........
werk you body werk your body.............
I'm just,,,speechless oh my god.
Okay,after that song ended, they had a little ment while Leo went backstage to prepared for his solo stage
They tried so hard to speak Malay about 90% of the time haha
Cha leader i love you (╥_╥)
One of the most memorable phrase was
"Saya tidak akan lupa hari ini hingga saya tua"
thats not the exact words he used,I kinda forgot but basically hes saying
"I won't forget this day till I'm old"
And there were a few other Malay words but I can't seem to remember them lol

He sweats the most in VIXX lol

Leo bowing ♥╣[-‿-]╠♥


아이고 우리 효기!♥

Everyone look so clean and dashing with their new all black hair (。♥‿♥。)
The next few stages are their solo stages!
Our loveable main vocal Leo was up first!
He sang Trey Songz's Can't Be Friends.
It was amazing,he played the keyboard for the first half of the song.
I'm pretty sure everyone in the hall was mesmerized by his beautiful voice sobs

Right after Leo finished his song, my baby was up next ♥
Hongbin's solo stage was next and he sang Kim Dongryul's 오래된 노래.
Lee Hongbin..I am so proud of you..
His stage was breathtaking, his voice is heavenly.
I was unable to move because his voice takes my breath away (╥_╥)
Halfway through the song,without realising it, tears were coming down my face (╥_╥)
I can't really describe how I felt when I hear him singing..
It's just too beautiful, I've always been a big fan of his calming voice when I watched Mydol,
and I know he has different voices lol he has that slightly higher pitch when hes singing VIXX songs
and a deeper voice when he's singing ballad..Its too beautiful and very calming (╥_╥)
I'm going to stop talking about his voice now or I'll start crying again (╥_╥)

Hes such a beautiful creature (╥_╥) 홍빈아 사랑한다 ㅠㅠ
After hearing two beautiful ballads from Leo and Hongbin,
next up is Ravi and Ken upbeat stage!
They sang Chris Brown's Turn Up The Music in cute matching outfits ㅋㅋ
The stage really brought the mood up with their hyperness!
and of course cutie main vocal Ken starts doing all sorts of aegyo moves oh my god
Ravi was really adorable too haha


The next stage is the last of the solo stages and I'm pretty sure this is the stage everyone is anticipating haha
It's Leader Cha's sexy blindfold dance stage!
Dresses in all black, he came out with a long black cloth and starts to blindfold himself omg
He hasn't even started the dance and its already as sexy as hell!
The dance was AMAZING the man really knows how to dance and get all the fangirls screaming lol

werk it~~~!

Thank you Cha Hakyeon
The next song is Super Hero!
Needless to say I was jamming pretty hard during this song lol

Im sorry lol I only have a lot of Hongbin because the organizer and the guards were being asses,
even though I have a media pass we weren't allowed to take pictures,even though they
asked the media to send in a photographer from our team
what the fuck and they didn't even provide photos afterwards =_=
but fuck this shit,I'm gonna try to take photos anyways so
I'll have something to post for my article ~_~
so it was kinda hard to take photos of all six of them T_T
Behold,the sequence;

haha I was pretty much waiting for him to do that because I've seen him do that a lot in recent fantakens LOL
Suddenly Rovix came on the big screen and they boys was like "뭐야뭐야" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Rovix was there to give a few missions asking them to show talents or
something that they never showed before haha
and they also had a Q&A session, picking question from the board filled with post-its from fans

adorable ugh

and then our cutest magnae ever did 귀요미플레어!

Our magnae is so cute and squishy! he pretty much did the same for every number haha
NEXT! Nmi strikes! Cha Hakyeon dancing to 24시간 모자라 ㅋㅋㅋ
Oh my god I never think I'd live to see this haha!

차학연 대박이다 ㅋㅋㅋ
Cha leader then asked us to stand up because they wanted to teach the fans how to dance lol
They taught us how to dance Rock Ur Body LOL
But before they could teach,everyone in the front row were already dancing hahah
and they were so amazed hahahahaha and asked us how did we know how to dance hahaha
duh of course we know!
We are your ST☆RLIGHTS!

How adorable lol
The next song is Starlight! awwwww
Everyone held up a banner distributed by Rabi T awww its so pretty ♥♥
And after that is Rock Ur Body!
Vixx wanted us to stand up and dance together omg
that was pretty awesome! everyone was dancing to Rock Ur Body!

And then they proceed to Hyde! but now just the normal stage,
I was pretty thrilled to hear this version,even though I kinda want to see the dance too lol
but the acoustic version was amazing! because they weren't dancing,
we were dancing in our seats lol
and I guess VIXX saw that some fans were dancing, they started to dance slightly lol
and then comes the last song for today... (╥_╥)
and of course its 대.다.나.다.너

Then they proceed to the hi5 and photo session
I had a bad experience oh god
I was holding my Kongsuk placard and my phone, because my bags were at my seat..
and my pants was too tight to put my phone in lmao
so this rude korean lady started scolding me about my phone and tried to snatched it from me.
and if you know me,I'm a pretty short-tempered person
She thought I was recording,but my camera wasn't facing the boys,
all i did was show my Kongsuk placard to VIXX lol
she kept trying to snatch my phone I hi5-ed Hyuk and Ken, by the time I reached N
she really tried to snatch my phone until it almost fell and I've had it,
I told that bitch that my camera was facing me and I kinda saw Hakyeon was nodding because he saw my phone camera
was not facing him and he was waiting for me to hi5 him.
And then come another rude ass bastard suddenly snatching my placard from me.
Good thing I didn't get a papercut from that because if I did I would be PISSED
When that happened I was pretty much confused and everything was blurry.
And after Hakyeon its Hongbin.
I was already asking my placard back but the guards kept pulling me,
so pretty much I looked like a mess in front of Hongbin.
I was about to cry because Hongbin was looking :(
All I wanted to do was to show my Kongsuk placard, hoping to make Hongbin laughed or smiled a little :(
Because I was asking for my placard back and the guard was pretty much hurting me by pulling me,
I unconsciously spoke korean to Hongbin and asked him to help me el oh el /sigh/
And I saw the look on his face, I can tell he was uncomfortable at the situation because I know he loves me and wanted to help me but he couldn't lol
I don't know, the look on his face was confusing,as he felt sorry for what happened to me..
Maybe he saw my placard and knew that I was his fan :(
Anyways yea so thats what happened to me,in front of VIXX.
Im sorry to Hakyeon and Hongbin for looking like a mess in front of them :(
I'll show you a better image the next time I meet you CRIES
After Hongbin it was Ravi and then Leo
They were smiling so that calmed me a little

Ravi and I ;_;
and behind him thats the motherfucking guard who snatched my placard for no reason,
and LAUGHED at me when I asked for it back.
damn rude piece of shit I wish you all the worst tbh.

and Leo and I ;_;
the look on Hongbin's face haha babe are you jealous? :P
and Shinwoo oppa oh god.. looking at me liddat why.
he pretty much looked like an angry lion the entire time I was so scared of him lmao

I couldn't stand behind Hongbin because that motherfucker guard keeps touching me and pushing me ugh
I dont appreciate the inappropriate excessive touching seriously I hope you go to hell ugh

and heres the group photo..paid almost RM500 for shitty treatment.
Other than the awesome seating and the amazing VIXX,
how organizers and guards treats the fans (and medias) are terrible.
These people do not know any manners and was plain out rude to everyone.
My friend in the media got yelled at for no reason,
she was just walking and talking to another friend and she got yelled at.
I swear to god Jazzy Groups is a bunch of idiots working together.
Seriously Jazzy Groups is anti-fan. They have no respect for fans and treats them like shit.
This is not the first event of Jazzy Groups I've attended.
I've been to 2 of their events before and each time
I've lost respect for the team and it seems like everyone else does too.
All they gained after every events are hate to be very honest.
And I believed the artiste managements realised this and lost their trust too.
For example B1A4's fanmeeting last year, the managements demands Jazzy t
o refund the fans because the ticket price was pricey for a hi5 session.
What puzzled me is how did the korean managements didn't realised this before the event went on.
My bet is that Jazzy Groups are probably liars too. YUP I stand correctly.
I've never hated any organization with fury before. Congratulations Jazzy Groups you've topped the list!
OK enough of ranting,heres more photos!

that smug face

nose XD


93line :3

and thats it!
For more photos please visit my gallery

The damaged done lol
I purchased a VIXX ligthstick and 2 tshirts (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
Hand banners from Coffee Latte,Rabi T and WITHVIXX and also a Rovix badge with Hongbin's name,my media pass and of course my ticket (─‿‿─)
It was a bittersweet memory for me, mostly sweet,but the bitter part really got to me.
Oh did I mentioned after I was terrorized(lol) by the guards I couldn't stop crying afterwards??
Everyone was asking if I was okay,so thank you for that :)
Everyone thought I cry because I was too happy but after I posted my
lengthy comment on fuckzy's page,everyone was suprised lol
Its fine,I've gained an experience, if anything like that were to happen to me again
I would know what to do..
I would karate chop their necks :D
I wanna say thank you to all ST☆RLIGHTS there, it was an amazing day indeed.

but more importantly i wanna say

guards should be more kind e_e
Beauuutiful Pictures! :D
I hope someday to see these 6 angels in front of me *o* for now it is impossible because I live far away in Chile u.u
Greetings! *sorry if my English is bad* >.<
yes guards should be more kind! ><
aww thank you! naw i hope you get to meet them one day! dont lose hope!
aw your english is perfectly fine ^_^
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