This is going to be a long post,B1A4 and APINK edition
so as always,Kak Fisha,Haida,Chuna and myself went to the airport to welcome our sprouts.
Its their second time here,but my first time seeing them so I was really excited,
as these boys have a special place in my heart (✿◠‿◠)
This time we did something we dont normally do..let me get that to that in a bit.
No photos at the airport because I was recording it and that was a huge fail haha
APINK came out first and they were so pretty and friendly (。♥‿♥。)
and a while after that B1A4 came out,and i lost my cool.
Saw Baro first,well,I saw all of the members but I went nuts when I saw Cnu oh my god
so they were out,and guess what,I had my car parked right outside (and got fined btw lol)
and we started to..follow their van..oh my god we're crazy.I was driving and I was terrified tbh haha
someone else should take the driver role omg haha
We followed behind them,but they went a floor down from the lobby to change vans :O
I already panicked because we didnt want them to realised we were following them,
but there were TWO stalker vans there omg you fans are cray.
Because Jazzy Groups were being an ass by not telling us where theyre staying,we resulted in following their van.
The two stalker vans were being so obvious by following really close and the fans pasted placards on the windows =_=
Let me just say,I followed at a safe distance and there wasa traffic jam but the driver for the van that
B1A4 was in,was driving recklessly.I was actually scared for them :/
At one point we were behind their van and i decided to cut them to see the boys :p
we were like "okay guys keep you cameras,be cool be cool"
and i passed them,and saw Jinyoung's beautiful side profile and we were all screaming AHAH!
and I tried to passed them the second time and saw Gongchan was already sleeping aww
They were going to KL but they used the long route and there was a massive traffic jam and they were driving in the emergency lane,and we lost them ugh
we were pretty devasted because we didnt know which hotel they were at,so,our mission failed T_T
but it turns out they were staying at The Westin Hotel =_=
And that night we went to Doubletree and JW Marriott as we recieved some infos from other fans.
But we ended up going to Pavilion instead lol
That night was so devastating,this is all Jazzy's fault OTL
alright okay on to the next day,the ONEFM Concert day,we got there pretty early but of course there was already tons of fans lining up lol,we had tickets but we refused to go in because theres no way we are going to get a good view of it.
and we settled on the side of the stage which has better view and really close,so yay!
While waiting we received news that APINK & B1A4 will do their rehearsals,so we were pretty excited about it.
Noone was getting their hopes up because it is unlikely for them to rehearse with so many fans already here
(note:this is malaysia lol)
but they really did!APINK was up first!and they were so pretty in the stage outfits!aww
their rehearsal was short,they sang I Dont Know,Bubibu and Hush.
and they girls were really friendly and cute and gahh!
and Pink Pandas omg such a cute fanclub


Yookyung and Hayoung!hayoung is such a sweetheart

Yookyung,Eunji and Hayoung

Eunji oh my god (here comes my biasness)

Yookyung,Eunji,Hayoung and Namjoo!

Pretty Bomi!


LOL cutie

Son Naeun is a goddess omg


Hayoung keeps waving to the fans :3

look at them,so cute haha

hush hush hush hush

LOL Eunji im sorry XD

and thats all for APINK's rehearsal :D
and we waited for a while for B1A4 to come out and we saw them coming out from their car and went backstage!
These boys make me wanna cry~ while they were backstage,they were teasing us T_T
They were talking to us on the microphones omg T_T and they were saying "aku cinta padamu" so many times I feel like dying T_T and they were talking and playing and Banas outside were dying because all we can hear was their voices oh my goodness


/bang/ Jinyoung killing you

Puppy Channie!


you joom joom heart like a rocket!

awww :"3

bias ♥




sexy back

ㅋㅋ 오리산들 다람죄공주 ㅋㅋ


aww Sandeul


polkadeul ㅋㅋ

Shinwoo looks so beautiful orz

our sprouts!


Sandeul keeps dancing for us haha




hi channie hi!

and thats all for B1A4's rehearsal,they sang some parts of Beautiful Target,Baby Im Sorry,Baby Goodnight and OK
The boys were extremely adorable and friendly and it hurts my heart because I love them so much omg T__T
It was really fun that we were able to see them rehearsed!
A few hours later the concert started,one of the first Taiwanese band to perform was Magic Power,excuse me while I
drool on their dj and vocalist lol

so,his name is Gugu............lol

and his name is Gaga....ok
APINK came out pretty early so that was good (Y)
They only sang 3 song I Dont Know,Bubibu and Hush.Im sad they didnt sing My My T_T

pretty dresses!

Eunji :3

cutie Chorong!

Chorong Chorong Chorong!!

Eunji haaaai!

and that is all for APINK!Their performances were short :c I wish too see more of them but aww
They were pretty and amazing :3
waiting for B1A4 was hell,it was so longggg,they showed up at 11pm T_T
but it was worth it,because its B1A4 ヽ( ・ヮ・)ノ
but first they came out for and interview,but unfortunately,from where i was standing,I couldnt see what was going on
because there was a wall and the cameramen were not doing their jobs!they were not showing the interview on the screen!ugh
so all we could hear were voices and Baro sang Rasa Sayang!oh my god so precious ide..

They boys getting ready for the interview!

and before they went on stage,One Fm showed the video of us Banas that they recorded for B1A4 omg I see myself lol /dies/ and the boys were claping and smiling while watching that omg :')

i like it like it like it!

haha cuties

sandeul lol

the sprout dance :')


hit those hit notes Shinwoo~~

sexy halbae

your face >,<

sexy Baro lol

handsome Jinyoung

sweaty Shinwoo >,<





ohhh Jinyoung~

bunny Baro..?? hahah

Sandeul dancing again XD

aww the show has come to an end :c
they boys were amazing and adorable and lovely and AMAZING!
I was so exhausted at the end of the day heww~
up next its the hi5 event!
For more photos of this event,those who are on my facebook may check there or my buzznet
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