MIK stayed in Malaysia for quite some time!
They even went to The Lost World of Tambun LOL
Even I've never been there XD
And Isaac was kind enough to let us know their flight back to Korea :3
As I reached the airport, the boys arrived XD
We arrived at the same time lol and I was kinda flustered when I saw them all handsome in white suits *_*
They were unloading the luggages lol it was so cute XD
Shin was really noisy oh my god i am so in love with him hahah
Their staffs were incredible friendly too!
Which makes every experience so calming and great (Y)
I was just standing there taking a few photos without talking to them because they seemed busy unloading their luggages so I didn't want to disturb them XD
By the way, Only Shin,Jay and Isaac were there and we were clueless on Czero's whereabouts but later we found out he's staying a few days more because he has friends here! woah!

Look all so handsome in white ^_^
Shin had trouble pushing his trolley lol it was so funny XD
and Isaac accidentally hit Shin with his trolley and Shin shouted omg so noisy please hahah
But it was so funny XD
and then they stopped by the toilet to change their clothes so we
kinda waited for them outside the toilet lmao
and we talked a bit with their staffs :3
and when they came out, we were able to take selcas together!
First selca with a korean singer woot woot XD
and then they proceed to the ticketing counter so we kinda let them
walk first and then followed them later,
and as we were walking, Shin suddenly stop and turned around and we were startled lol
we thought he was going to scold us XD
but we walked by and he did nothing and he didn't even move LOL
and I asked him "오빠 왜그래??" haha and then he laughed and
then we laughed too ahha so funny XD
He was waiting for the PDnim hahah

I look like shit gah but when I asked Shin for a picture and he immediately took my phone /blushes/ because I was too shy and hes my favourite, I just said 감사합니다 ㅋㅋㅋ

Jay! He's such a sweetheart! I was going to take the selca but then he saw I was struggling to hold my phone and he said he'll hold it and take it and I was like../blushblushblush/

Took awhile to selca with Isaac since he asked us to wait until all of the passport matters are settled ^^

Also selca with this really pretty and super nice 언니 ♥
The thing is ... I love Shin but I have a lot of photos with Isaac haha XD

Rovix handphone case lmao

He so pretty oh my god ;__;

Jay is really cool and dashing oh my god

We be so kyuuuuuuteee hwiwiwiwi
Most of our interactions were caught on fancam so watch here if you're interested!
Definitely one of the most perfect moments in my life lol
Can't wait to send Czero off!
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