(if there are readers here lol)
Its almost the end of 2012 and if you have been following my blog,
I would always do this entry where i would recap on what has happened throughout the year.
I must say 2012 was pretty interesting.
Lets start with January

so basically,January was hectic.I was in my final year of my diploma and was having major
roller coaster feelings and hormones lol went to so many trouble trying to complete my assignments T_T
I had to go to this rabbit farms so many times that I got infected and got a ringworm :/
that was...gross and terrible and it hurts T_T and i also dyed my hair using Liese for the first time lol
the only good thing that happened in January was that I saw BANG & ZELO! WOOOH
amazing amazing people it was really awesome and I also met up with Vivienne whom i lost contact
with for years after not being active in the MYFTI forum lol
in February

Nothing much happened,was still struggling with my final year and catching up with datelines for our diploma show.
Oh and we also had an art carnival "Symptoms 2" and my friends opened up
booths selling some really artsy fartsy things hehe
oh and we also had our graduation lunch lol
in March

STILL STRUGGLING in my final year,had tons of photoshoots,artworks being rejected,reshoots and all that jazz.
The only fun I had was going to Joe Brooks concert,much love to Tiffany for giving me that ticket muacks
in April

FINALLY coming to the end of my diploma,I thought it never ends lol bittersweet memories,
because I never had any really good memories when it comes lol
Had our diploma show and everything ended :)
oh and I also went to see REDSOUL at their super awesome intimate show,one of the best shows Ive ever been to.
Everything was perfect,the crowd was just nice and the boys were amazing and Vivienne and gang forever the best lol
Had a fansign with Redsoul too and it was just lovely. Jun Taeik said my piercing was cool lol
and I wanna marry Hanulyi :D
in May

May was crazy,MAY WAS IMPORTANT.Because it was the months that I get to see,,UKISS,yes UKISS.
The group that made me so happy.UKISS is important to me,so seeing them was the best.
and I also went to Jay Park's showcase,and saw Block B and Teen Top!
in June

Nothing happened in June,just enjoying my free time after diploma and getting ready to see BAP in July lol
in July

One of the best month on 2012 because of these particular 4 days.Made new lovely friends because of BAP which I
am so thankful for.We did something none of us ever did before,following an idol group for 4 days.
We werent really stalking them hardcorely because there were just some things we just couldnt do lol
But one thing for sure those 4 days was really memorable,our interactions with Bang Yongguk was a memorable one haha and i also dipdyed my hair for the first time XD
oh and we moved from the house which I lived in my whole life :/
oh and we moved from the house which I lived in my whole life :/
in August

Nothing much,Ramadhan and Syawal.Finally get to see my cousins whom i miss so much :)
and I finally get to see Raisa FACE TO FACE yup lol
and also I turned 21 =_= I had a bad birthday,which was not a shock considering I have bad birthdays every year.
It seems like that day is the one day I managed to get myself super depressed :(
in September

September was so much fun!I met Ryan Higa,talked to him,hugged him and have a photo with him.He
is such a lovely man i miss him T_T and I also saw Jung Ilwoo when he was in town
and the best was seeing B1A4 and also APINK.Did something really crazy for B1A4,
We followed right behind them right after they went inside their van.
eventually we lost them because their driver was driving dangerously
tbh because there was 2 stalker vans following them D:
saw them at the hotel too,called for Shinbear,he looked and smiled at me and I just died.i died.
and I died some more while hi5ing and hugging them.i miss them T_T
in October

Lee Hyunwoo was here to promote TTBY and there was a contest held by astro,and Kak Fisha won and she brought
me along weeeeee although winners does not get any special time
with Hyunwoo but we got some badass goodie bag lol
oh and I did some more damage to my hair,bought the wrong dye,and bleach it again,
and dye it again,and added in underbangs lol /sigh/
in November

November was filled with KPOP.
First was BLOCK B,alot of shit happened and we ended up waiting for them at the airport for 18 hours.
but the wait was worth it so its all good :D
welcomed ZEA at the airport and fell in love with Taehun because he touched my hand lol
and also attended the Shout Awards for Vixx and Nuest,had a blast and the next day I went to Vixx's hitouch event,
went cray for Hongbin and basically my life is ruined because of Vixx because they are all I could think about now.
Also went for 2AM's hitouch,looking at them from far lol and had a picture with Baki there hahah
in December

restricted myself from attending any events because I was broke and I needed to save up so,nothing happened here.
Plus being in degree is killing me,Im dying right now so yea :/
I hope everyone had a lovely 2012 and may 2013 be good to you aswell :D
OMG! You were on a KPOP roll this year! So jealous! Hahaha but I'm happy for ya! Happy New Year Iera ^^
hehe thanks Aika XD happy new year to you too!!have a happy new year hehe
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