2AM is in town for their Way Of Love Concert on the 1st of December.
Being a broke student that I am,I can't afford to buy anymore concert tickets :(
But luckily for me 2AM is having a hi-touch session with the fans a day before the concert at SG Wang.
SG Wang? You know what this means,,free for all to see!
So I went there alone because my friends were not free,and I didnt have a hi touch pass so I figured
I would just go and brush up on my kpop photography skillzzz lmao
Well I think this event was a disappointment..
First of all Seulong wasn't there,well i understand because he hurt his leg so I didnt mind.
and the whole event lasted for like,5-10 minutes only..
I heard some fans didnt even get to hi-5 them and some even got to go out twice?
three words, what the hell.
I was on the left side of the viewing area and the whole thing was a mess.
There were too many staffs on stage (their cameramen,mc,translator,organiser photographer)
which totally blocked our view from seeing the boys.
Mind you but I didnt came to look at your backs,I came for 2AM
and when the fans hi5-ed them,the fans were not escorted down the stage properly
resulting in a group of people just gathering in one place and blocking the stairs to the stage.
It was really bad that fans started comparing the event to VIXX's last week which was perfectly organised.
It was kinda sad to see that the boys didnt get to stay very long for the hi5 :(
Lesson of the day,bringing kpop artists are not a joke.
You have to really plan carefully and make sure nothing will go wrong.
There are so many incapable organisers here,its upsetting.
Lets just hope they plan carefully next time..
Now moving on to the photos!
I couldnt get many good photos because I couldnt even see the boys!

Yes,theres more of Jinwoon's photo than the rest,not because hes my bias but from where im standing,hes
the only one that is visible haha!
Im so tired of hassling through fangirls to get some photos T_T
Anyone wanna bring me in to their media team?pmsl XD
For more photos,do visit my buzznet
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