Saturday, November 3, 2012


Let me tell you a story of the most tiring Kpop artist airport welcoming story ever.
and this is all because of BLOCK B.
Yup,since we dont really have a confirmed flight details from the organizers and fanclub,
we decided just to follow our guts and went to the airport.
Good thing we went tho,because we couldnt go to that fricking alcohol party H-Artistry because we dont dare
to risk it as we are Muslims,but I heard there were tons of Muslims there,so good job guys,you must be so proud of yourself /sarcasm/
and that stupid KPOP Storm got cancelled and the last minute BLOCK B Fanmeet was also cancelled,
anyways,we had received news that Block B will be arriving on Friday,and theres only two flights from Incheon,
at 4.50pm and 9.50PM.
We got there around 5 something,saw fans,and we waited and waited,no BLOCK B.
so we decided to wait until the 9.50PM flight,waited for about an hour,and they boys tweeted they were about to board the plane to Malaysia.So this can only mean one thing,
they will only arrive here the next morning. NICE.
Because we were not satisfied,we decided to stay over at the airport.
There were a bunch of other fans who stayed over as well.
But what pisses me off is that,the fanclub,keeps manipulating their words.
and yes I do know that the flight details were not confirmed,but the way they replied to those who were asking is pissing me off.
First they stated that they have NO CLUE at all regarding the arrival,but based on their tweets after that,it seems like they do know everything but "were not allowed to tell".if thats the case,you might as well just state that you do know everything,but were not allowed to tell rather then replying to those who were asking with "we have no clue".
congratulations,we are officially hating you.and please dont give me any of that confidental shit.
Moving on,
so in the end we waited for 18hours for them.
by the time the sun rises,we were so tired and sleep deprived and were having mental breakdowns lol
very good block b you guys are mental breakers lol
I tend to get hyper when im sleep deprived and my friends and i were singing to nillili mambo and were trying to summon them and shit lol
displayed our LED trying to telepathicly call them LOL
we decided to wait until 11am and if no sign of Block B by then,we would just go back home.
FORTUNATELY,around 10.18am,we were waiting at the right side of the the glass wall
I was sitting down,and once i got up I saw these suspiciously tall men with hats and masks LOL
since there were only a few fans who waited,there was no scream,it was pretty quiet.
I saw them and was like..umm hey...its looks like...shit.
our summoning works! lmfao
Noone escorted them,there was like only one security and one grumpy manager lol
Minhyuk keke the bags fell lol
that fan tho..simply walked up to them orz
i was to tired to have any type of contact with them so i just took pictures and videos lol
I called out for Kyung but he ignored me and i touched his arm lmao and then I called for Jaehyo and he nodded :D
They had to wait for a while because their transport were nowhere in sight lol
While the others were busy trying to talk to them,I just kept on smiling and snapping away haha
As fans,we know how to keep our distance,so everyone kept their distance especially me,i was not really close to them but i couldnt move back because there was a luggage trolley behind me and the manager pushed me orz
I was about to fall because of the trolley.sobs manager y u so mean i wasnt even close,its not like i was trying to eat them lol i literally just stood there and stare LOL
So i think the wait was worth it?because we got to "hang" with them for about 5 minutes while they were waiting for the van kekeke

my fancam and more photos at my buzznet

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