Thursday, September 13, 2012


well my degree has started and its not fun.
i definitely missed my old campus eventhough i despise that place too lol
eventhough it was far but it was convinient and comfortable.
but this new campus is... _| ̄|○
dont get me started on the traffic jam and the lack of student parkings.
but i just dont fucking care anymore im just gonna park my car at this one place,eventho i had to walk up a fricking hill to my faculty.
i dont even know whats the point of driving a car if its not making my life any easier here ~_~
and yesterday I parked my car and stay in my car to tie my shoelaces and this guard,a very rude guard,raised his voice at me.
"SIAPA SURUH AWAK PARKING SINI?!?!" while pointing his finger at me.
I just cant tolerate rude adults.we're both adults,there are better ways to communicate.
just because im a student,it doesnt give you the right to look down on me and used rude tones.
i am a human being,an adult,and i have my rights too.if he talked to me nicely,i wouldnt make a big deal out of this.
yada yada bla bla sure i get it your job is hard,but what job isn't?
youre tired? everyone is tired.
i dont know why everyone who works at this specific university that i encountered are mostly rude.
do you hate your job that much that you started lashing out on people? seriously =_=
or maybe Im just that unlucky and kept dealing with rude people.
I should get used to this because Im sure Ill be dealing with more rude people here in the future so it shouldnt even suprise me.
anyways,Im at a rental house here and Im living with a bunch of people I dont know,and I probably wouldnt even try to "mingle" because I just cant,sorry.
so yeah its pretty tough here,but meh im so used to doing things alone so why should this bother me right? /pats/

and on a happier note,I was on facebook and saw Haneulyi turned his chat on,and being a whore that I am,I sent him a chat.
and he was simple,but it was great enough to make me so freaking happy I could cry.haha.
because my feelz for this man,and now that he is in the army is just.. :(
i miss him T_T i miss Redsoul,such pure perfect souls eheh

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